PAN kunstforum niederrhein

The postermuseum in emmerich – germany
The PAN kunstforum niederrhein e. V. in Emmerich - Germany!

The foundation

The foundation PAN artforum Lower Rhine - Collection Ursula and Ernst Müller

The foundation was founded on the 6th of December, 1999 and was approved by the district government of Düsseldorf on the 23rd of December 1999. The goal of the PAN foundation (Plakatmuseum am Niederrhein) is the promotion of art and culture. This aim will be realised by:

The management of the foundation is in the hands of the advisory board and the board of directors.


The advisory board

The advisory board determines the guidelines of the foundation and oversees the board of directors.

Irene Möllenbeck Chairwoman
BM Peter Hinze Deputy chairman and representative of the city of Emmerich
Walter Schieck Representative of the “Stadtsparkasse Emmerich-Rees”
Reimund Sluyterman Chairman of the PAN
Raimund Müller Representative of the family of the founder
Guido Heuvelmann Assessor
Gabriele Krafft Assessor
Birga Lischke-Pooth Assessor
Thomas Terwey Assessor


The board of directors

The board of directors represents the foundations legally and extra-legally, is in charge of day-to-day management and implements the resolutions of the advisory board.

Karl Janssen Chairman
Sascha Tück Assessor

Contact information:

Foundation of the PAn artforum Lower Rhine
Irene Möllenbeck
Agnetenstraße 2
46446 Emmerich o.t. Rhine

Tel.: : +49 (0) 28 22 – 53 70 115
E-Mail :


Cooperation bewteen the Pan artfoum Lower Rhine and the Hochschule Rhein Waal.

In 2014 the PAN artfoum Lower Rhine in Emmerich o.t. Rhine and the still young Faculty of Communication and the Environment of the Hochschule Rhein-Waal in Kamp-Lintfort set up a partnership in order to strengthen the cultural environment in the region, create new impulses, use existing synergies and exchange knowledge. “The PAN artforum creates great ideas, an exciting work environment and disposes of a multi-purpose museum building with a remarkable collection of posters”, says Irene Möllebeck, chairwoman of the advisory board of the “PAN – Ernst Müller collection”. One of the first collaborations between the two parties was a design project with fourth-year students from the Information and Communication Design course in the summer semester of 2014.

A newly appointed communication design professor, Michael Pichner, describes the collaboration as follows: “Between Emmerich and Kamp-Lintfort lies a very impressive, intricate and many-faceted cultural landscape.

In pursuing this partnership we want to attempt to embed a cultural institution into a newly developed academic environment, and to stimulate mutual support and the exchange of ideas.”

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